Blue light in the treatment of vascular ulcers
Two clinical cases
Title: Blue light therapy. An alternative approach for treatment of vascular skin ulcers
Authors: Morgante A, Li Destri A
Year: 2023
Publication: Ann Ital Chir – 2023, 12 – April 4 – Online ahead of print, https://www.annaliitalianidichirurgia.it/prodotto/blue-light-therapy-an-alternative-approach-for-treatment-of-vascular-skin-ulcers/
Blue Light therapy, by photobiomodulation of phlogosis mechanisms, may help to prompt healing of stubborn wounds. In the article are described two clinical cases, a venous vascular ulcer and an arterial one, treated with Blue Light as therapeutical strategy in order to unblock repair process.
CASE 1_ A 86-year-old woman with non revascularizable popliteal-tibial arterial occlusive disease complicated by 2 very painful skin ulcers above the lateral malleolus of right leg. The patient had skin lesions for the last 9 months secondary to lymphedema caused by congestive heart episode, with no clinical signs predicting healing, although prostanoids intravenous infusions. Therefore, Blue light therapy was applied once weekly just one minute for each treatment, whilst regular medications were performed with topical hyaluronates every two days. After 3 weeks of treatment, recalcitrant wounds completely healed.
CASE 2_ A 51-year-old woman presented with a chronic phlebostatic ulcer at internal perimalleolar level. The patient had already undergone total internal saphenectomy and also a second operation in order to correct recurrent varices. The ulcer didn’t change over the subsequent 3 months after treatment with conventional medications and started an approach based upon 1 weekly application of Blue Light therapy associated to dressing changes with matrix of oxidized regenerated cellulose, collagen and silver. Ulcer’s view improved very quickly with clear size reduction just by week 3, whereas the goal of a complete healing of skin lesion was obtained after eight weeks.
According to the Authors, Blue Light Photobiomodulation represents an innovative, non-invasive and easily reproducible option, that may be performed once weekly for at least six-eight times, improving the wound bed microenviroment, with the aim of restarting the healing process of a chronic wound.