Blue Light a potential "game changer" in the treatment of chronic wounds
Dr Gabrielle McMullin – consultant vascular surgeon at St George and Sutherland hospitals, Australia – says Blue Light Photobiomodulation is a “potential game-changer” in the treatment of chronic wounds, after a trial showed promising results. Dr McMullin said the treatment, which is usually a 10-week process, was effective in promoting blood vessel growth and tissue regeneration. “Chronic leg wounds cost the Australian health system about 3,5 billion dollars a year,” she said. “About 420,000 people a year in Australia have chronic wounds and have out of pocket costs on average of $4000 a year. They are increasing in prevalence and cause enormous suffering, often involving long admissions to hospital. McMillan says one of her patients suffered from leg ulcers for the past nine months. After using the blue Light therapy on his lower leg, his wound healed within a month.
Read the article on St George and Sutherland Shire Leader: https://bit.ly/39xDyMo